Monday, October 26, 2009


Awkward first post; I might just jump straight on in.

The most recent focus of my attention has been the issue of factory farming. I have written a note on Facebook already about the problems surrounding this industry, an encouraging my friends to do their own research and at least begin to support the free-range industry.

However, somehow it doesn't feel like I've done enough. It's not that I want to force my beliefs on people, it's only that I feel if people knew what factory farming involved I don't think they would support the industry. So I want to make the first section of my new blog a kind of support network for people looking to change their ways.

Over the next few days I will post various links, recipes, and food products that I think people may find useful if they wish to either support the free-range industry or convert to veganism or vegetarianism. I think if I can show people exactly how simple it can be to stop funding the horrific treatment of factory farmed animals, and provide some guidelines and support, they will be more likely to make these changes.

Let's stop the cruelty now, together!
M Tehrase xx

1 comment:

  1. "However, somehow it doesn't feel like I've done enough."

    We could break in to Houghton Bay Hellhouse and free the chickens. They'd probably immediately die from sun exposure, but...
